>>>>> Be lame. - Jay Yeo <<<<<<

~ Tales Of Lame ~




Site Revamps

My First Post

Hao Yi's Close Shave

Thursday, September 16, 2004

haha... yesterday hao yi, gabriel and me took the 105 bus. hao yi didn't tap his ezlink... just then, the bus attendant came on board and started checking everyone. we were standing at the middle of the bus, then hao yi moved to the door. she approached swiftly... hao yi starts perspiring... gabriel & i were checked... hao yi moves to an empty seat... she's coming! she checked the guy beside him. then, it finally reached cjc... another sji guy blocked her while getting off and hao yi followed... close shave indeed... (-_-)"'

~ Ora Et Labora ~
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++ Identity Check ++

Name: Lamer Yeo Si Ming, Jay

Age: 13

Birthday: 16 August
~gimme present...~

School: St. Joseph's Institution
~Ora Et Labora~

~Work, play, train, rest, we are the best!~

Rank: Cadet ~only...sniff, sob~

Religion: Christianity
~Thou shalt not kill.~

Horoscope: Leo vs 'Yang'
(Year of Goat)

++ The Cool Sites ++

StickDeath.com- Great animations.

Happy Tree Friends- Gross, sadistic, animations. For masochists.

++ Secret Sites ++

~6AB Friends~

Alice Li
Amanda Tew
Samantha Tung
Erica Tung

~SJI Friends~

Jonathan Chen
Wesley Ang
Matthew Koh
Elian Lee
Zhi Hao
Gabriel Ng


SJI Prefects